
The Tabernacle of David Unveiled a Hidden Bride, Pt 2

“After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up” Acts 15:16 (KJB)

(Note: if the reader hasn’t read pt 1, please do so, as it offers “fiber” to digest pt 2.)

It is with great humility and meekness that I write this article. Even though my heart is greatly encouraged in seeing creation’s release continuing to unfold–while cherishing the priceless vision that Father has given me–the message itself is bold and given afresh. While other members of the body of Christ may have seen it also, we are of a small number and probably scattered around the planet. This apocalypse has been hidden until just this time--for it was a secret, and its disclosure must be spiritually discerned. My prayer is that anyone led to read here will approach with ultimate reverence for our Creator who is unveiling a breathtaking, awe-inspiring and beautiful scene.

The body of Christ–the Church, are called by God according to their generation, and could be members of any country. They are of the first awakenings of the dead creation being stirred out of its sleep (Gen 2:21). While each has their own individual relationship with our Lord, they are also of a spiritually-networked ministry of sons and daughters under the headship of Jesus. Just as a female nature lives in the bosom of the Father (his soul), so does the spiritual body of Christ consist of male and female (as Adam, with female intact). And, of course, each of us has a spirit and soul, a male and female composition. Two genders are a complete expression of life!

We cannot tell by looking at a person if they are a daughter or son, for spiritual statas transcends natural gender. Symbolically, daughters (in degrees) in the body of Christ represent the soul of God.. They also represent all in the Passover realm (1st heaven) of spiritual enlightenment: Jesus as Savior. The sons (in degrees) represent the spirit of God, having been empowered by the baptism in the Holy Spirit--representing the Pentecostal realm (2nd heaven). (Note: my reference "in degrees" is concerning each person's walking out their calling as Father allows. Just as David's father, Jesse, had eight sons, only one was anointed king.)

Jesus stood uniquely in a body that veiled not only his soul and spirit, but everyone’s soul and spirit; he touched both realms for all of mankind. During his life, the two realms were not united, but his death changed all that. And what unfolded in him was a secret. Just as Jesus’ true personage was hidden from the religious hierarchy--yet successful, so was a secret marriage happening. When Jesus died on the cross, the invisible world was forever affected. He caused spirit and soul to become one again as before the disruption. Just as in a marriage, the two realms became one. Because he touched every man, every man died with Jesus (2 Cor 5:14); this death concerns the old understanding, for we were only separated from Father in our understanding. While Jesus reconnected the soul and spirit realms, that happening had to be expressed to this realm (the visible) through his vehicle--the body of Christ, where two genders of ministry reside. The literal touching in this realm of Calvary’s invisible union generates a special spiritual anointing, for Passover and Pentecost have been infused into the Most Holy Place, the 3rd heaven, represented by Tabernacles.

This scene also speaks of the tabernacle of David, where worshipers of God were not hindered by divisions or walls. The ark of the covenant sat inside a tent with the veil pulled back and all outside were in one accord, viewing the glory of God. In Isaiah, chapter 16, the prophet looks back to the tabernacle of David and prophesies it forward. The ark had a literal mercy seat, and this allegorical picture predicts God sitting on a merciful throne correcting what is wrong (judging) and prompting righteousness. But this time it is in a people, the global body of Christ. God will never again dwell in a building made with human hands, but he does live victoriously inside the walking, talking tabernacles that he’s forged us into!

I spoke in part 1 of a “spirit without measure”. John 3:34 talks of this reality, and I had heard it taught in the past, but never received a true revelation of it until recently. As in all things, we must be open to the Holy Spirit leading us into the truth of anything we hear, and that can also mean that we get our “witness” immediately when the truth is spoken. Yet it is so easy to just believe what we are taught because we respect the ministry of a person. We must get our own discernment and can--because He dwells within us and bears witness of Himself when spoken from the mouth (or pen) of another.

Concerning the spirit without measure, it was the condition flowing from Jesus after he came out of the wilderness, having conquered all the inward enemies. He had the authority of the Father, because they were “One”. He had total control over the elements, sickness and disease, and like a master chemist could produce in this realm what existed in the invisible. No magician’s works here as he turned the water into wine or multiplied the loaves and fishes. Just working the principles in physics that flowed through him, having Father’s view and understanding of everything. He “saw” in the invisible that a crippled man laying just ahead of him was healed, then made it manifest in the visible. He had Father’s spirit, and there was no limitation to what could be accomplished. This is the spirit without measure, and doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit in-filling, which is a down payment or foretaste. (2 Corin 1:22)

While Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren, that was only one of his Divine designations or expressions. He was also God. As Head of his body, He stands alone in sovereignty and authority and distributes same as it pleases him for each situation. No other member of the body of Christ looks like the head, nor will they ever be! So much for those misguided brethren who believe they are equal to the “I Am”. Not so!! We are of the “we are”, and are his children, gods with a small “g”. This measureless spirit power could be delegated to any separate member of the body, but it will not be totally unleashed to any one member lest they be made to contain the full glory of God. Only the Head has that honor, for only Jesus has total sovereignty. All bond-servants of God--those who willingly put their ear to the doorpost in surrender--first and foremost contain humility and meekness, with no desire for honor or glory. And even mature children of God--like Jesus--can only demonstrate and deliver what Father has first shown them!

However, this condition, this “full stature” has been enabled for our realm. It has never been a past thing, for time is always NOW, just needing unveiled. We must remember that God doesn’t have to do anything more than he already did. (Just read Genesis, chapter 1) And, having full stature is about an anointing, not about looking glorious. The purpose of it all is to demonstrate Father’s great Love and passion to restore creation. When we see that unrelenting passion in the sending of Himself as a servant to be murdered, and that this was His rescue mission, we should understand that this restoration is foremost on his agenda. All who have been called to serve in any way have been an asset for this purpose, and not for their own gain. The lost, helpless creation is the reason any of us were called, and we were ourselves lost before we were found!

That being said, the secret event--the appearing of the witnesses of the marriage--has happened. As I stated above, visible representation of the marriage of soul and spirit had to occur. This embodiment included a child of God from each side of the body of Christ. Here is the vision as it happened: God chose a son from the end of the line of sons (symbolic of David, Jesse’s youngest son). That son had been processed fully, having conquered all the enemies in his “land”, ascending into the Most Holy Place. God then chose a virgin daughter (she had stayed faithful to Jesus, her bridegroom) to join in fellowship with the chosen son. She was quickened by his anointing and the two sides of the body of Christ touched and became one. This very electric happening stood her up in the Most Holy Place with him, and as representatives of the bride and groom, they became manifested witnesses. They then stepped out from behind the veil of the Most Holy Place to bring this ministry to mankind.

Again the symbolism: the veil of the tabernacle is pulled back so the beauty of the soul of God can be viewed. Also, it is the groom pulling back the veil of his bride and revealing her to the world. This occurrence was a revisiting of David standing on Mount Zion with the ark. David=Jesus as Bridegroom; the ark = Bride of Christ/ God and man dwelling together; the tent = our body.

Jesus died, having united the soul and spirit realms. Spiritual delegates appearing as literal witnesses would need to make an appearance at God’s appointed time in the visible. The witnesses were as would be the maid of honor and best man; they stand in a line of spiritual ministry in both sides of the body, but their experience has forever joined it! This reality has powerful implications, as a former order has been overtaken with the new. The Feast of Tabernacles is showing itself. The exhilarating view of David’s tabernacle is available now for those who are willing to embrace it as truth and let Father overtake them! The good news is that all can receive, and not just the called out, for the veil has been pulled back and God’s presence is accessible.

Some of the body of Christ have been affected already, as that surge flows through the spiritual “network”. So, too, will be a world full of unbelievers. All will be overtaken by the powerful flow of divine energy breaking forth upon our world. Two flows of anointing touched and became one, creating a mighty surge (like a tsunami), and this surge will not weaken. The consequences have had and will continue to have an affect in the atmosphere we live in. Just as the radiation coming from the disaster in Japan is circling the world, so is Divine radiation spreading out and overtaking the death and darkness we have acknowledged as life--to whatever degree. All creation is re-acting in strong labor pains: shakings, quakings, and storms of all kinds; this is not only natural storms, but powerful quakings in our personal lives. All lesser kingdoms rooted in the invisible are coming down, with visible expressions all around us! These things bring pain, but then healing. The “fireworks” are a shout of Jubilee! A crack has been put in the delusional visage all around us, and that is the power of this happening.We must also take heart and remember that changes occurring in the invisible appear as  vibrations in our outward world--at first. Yet it continues to build and be expressed as more and more persons receive secret deliverances.

As a recipient of this occurrence, I can speak from experience. Nothing in this article is speculation. Each receiver of this truth must lean on the Holy Spirit to open their understanding and give direction concerning this new day and its outworkings. Our spiritual senses will be enlivened to “tune in” to what we are truly seeing around us. We must gain a stronger understanding of who we really are. The distorted view of our world will be overtaken and our concepts of ourselves will be purged as we are flooded with the mind of Christ.

Again, this is about delivering creation. This deliverance that Jesus spoke of (greater works) was not just good deeds and miracles, although those things are happening and are wonderful! It is also not about persons receiving prominent visibility concerning their spiritual status. Yet as God gives his personal glory to each of his servants, that may happen. But it shouldn’t be our focus. Followers of Christ are speaking from the throne right now, flowing from the spirit without measure. Diseases are being conquered, nature is being spoken to,  powerful freedoms from bondage in individuals ARE taking place. And these happenings are because of divine endowments given by Father in private to his elect. Just servants of God speaking for Him, with no sensationalism involved. Still, these things are only a means to an end, as attention-getting as they are. True deliverance is about dispelling an illusion. The Adamic mind set lives in a cursed dream state, and must be awakened from it. That awakening will be right here on planet earth.

When God placed witnesses to the soul/spirit marriage in that 3rd heaven experience, they could then step out into this world with the whole soul realm exposed to more spiritual light than it had ever had. And, by the way, they now carry that 3rd heaven experience around with them, for having “entered in”, there is no digressing. And, their condition is contagious! Like a chain reaction, it will affect people one-on-one. The more life given, the more the dream is dispersed. Darkness is not able to hide to the extent it had before, or for as long. Understanding of God is coming more swiftly and easily--compared to the way it has happened in the past. Where before years were needed, now it is months or weeks.

The marriage of the soul and spirit realms speaks of our individual marriage to Christ: our soul to his spirit. The witnesses were the first to truly express the Bride of Christ to this realm, and each person ascending in spiritual unveiling will arrive at that status. Becoming One with the Lord and dispelling the dream will also lead us to an incorruptible state where our physical bodies will express divine life. No more death or darkness. No more trips to the grave. Our new bodies exist now, but lie hidden from us because of the power of the Adamic belief system, a very real force field empowered by the five senses. But the more it is weakened, the more will be disclosed, even in Father’s way and time. And we must not forget that those who have passed on (beyond our natural senses) are waiting for their turn to appear back into this realm in their own incorruptible dwelling place.

How beautiful is the view of David’s tabernacle! An open-faced gazing at the Creator with no walls of religion barring our approach. And just as victorious King David pulled the veil back on his humble tabernacle to let all view the beautiful soul of God, that reality has returned. King Jesus is pulling back the veil of our understanding to display our beautiful soul merged with His--for all creation to see, and to live forever with us in the tabernacle made with Father’s hands.