“For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God” Romans 8:19 *
The subject matter of this article has been burning in my heart for quite some time. The reader may find it intense, but with a passion to be as thorough as possible has it been written. Paul had something in mind in the above statement, and I have heard all kinds of commentary on what it was. But truthfully, it was usually someone else's vision or understanding, and because some of them differed, it became clear that spiritual discernment was lacking in some (or all). Much could be written about this one scripture, and a whole “sons of God” movement has adopted it as their motto, like a battle cry proclamation of status. As in any scripture, not all interpretations are rooted in truth, yet there IS something to be gleaned from the words we see on the page. Paul had a word for the moment, to be sure. Yet untold thousands of people (at least) around the world claim that they are sons of God and are waiting for God to cause them to “manifest”. What is this manifestation? And if Jesus “finished it” at Calvary, what are we waiting for? What was Paul addressing back in the 1st century A.D., and what does it mean for us today?
Chapter 8 of the book of Romans has many references to sons and/or children of God, and those references are the basis of this article. Depending on the translation, we may not see the heart of the message in the flat written word, but insight can come with the help of the original language. Some of these scriptures refer to either gender, but some speak of a masculine expression only. Still, while I use this information for my foundation, I must depend on the Holy Spirit to lead me in my understanding. Concerning my opening text, the word “sons” is a masculine word. Strong’s 5207 states it as such, and commentaries point to a spiritual status rather than natural gender. They also speak of the Greek word “huios” as anyone who bears the nature of their father (his character) being considered a son. Any of us--male or female--can bear the nature of our Father, for spiritual status is not dictated by gender (Gal 3:28). And all of us have the propensity to bear His nature, for we are His likeness in the earth. But the natural order of things is that we start as newborns and move forward. However, our Father’s nature is mature in every way; therefore, having his nature means we will bring forth his maturity as we grow spiritually. And I don’t believe that Paul was dictating to babes, but I do conclude that he was talking OF spiritually mature or spiritually maturing members of God’s family, represented in the Christ body of believers.
“For those who are led by God's Spirit are, all of them, God's sons.” Romans 8:14
This usage of “sons” is the same Greek word as the former, speaking of the masculine. Being led by God’s spirit is a distinguishing attribute of being a son. It is all about God’s transforming work in us that repels our being led by the spirit of the world. This leading can also be a work of the Grace of God to cause a person to fall in line with God’s predestined purpose, just as Saul of Tarsus was converted and became Paul. The son status is a reality that men cannot always judge outwardly, and while we should be bearing some fruit of this walk, we won’t always be understood by our brethren in specific leadings of God’s Spirit in our lives. Therefore, being Holy Spirit led is--I believe--a condition or reality that only He can judge, as he surely does regulate it according to His purpose. God will have his way and men will not hinder his plans even though it may look like it. No. God will make adjustments in us as needed, and he may move us out of the way and bring in an understudy waiting in the wings, but His plan is always Plan A, and we are the ones who will adapt.
That being said, there is more to chapter 8 than just talk of sons. Children are spoken of, as in the following scriptures:
“The Spirit Himself bears witness, along with our own spirits, to the fact that we are children of God; and if children, then heirs too--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ; if indeed we are sharers in Christ's sufferings, in order that we may also be sharers in His glory.” Romans 8:16-17 “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” Romans 8:21 (KJ)
All of the above references of children are Strong’s 5043 “teknon”, meaning a child of either sex. And these children are not babes, for the word is also explained as of a child who is willingly dependent, having a childlike (not childish) attitude in submission. Natural children do not willingly submit, but these children have an attitude that relationship with Jesus has brought them to. His love and direction within them has motivated them to yield. So, we are talking about mature spiritual children, male or female. And since we are not talking about natural gender, who might a female child of God be?
In most cultures, now and then, daughters are valued in a different way than sons. Males (for the most part) have superiority in physical strength (due to testosterone levels), with stronger shoulders, more easily developing muscles, etc. And men have been considered to be providers of income and safety (protectors) to the family. Using the backdrop of Jewish culture (Paul being the author of these scriptures), a family looked to the eldest son to take on the responsibility for running the family business with and for his father. There came a time for that son to be called to his father’s side of the family home (or tent), saying good-bye to carefree childhood days. Matters became serious as he learned the law (Torah) along with learning to handle authority and growing to be a man. (Note: even though other sons could have existed in the family, not all were being prepared to take on Father’s voice and authority. This is the key to understanding son calling. David was the only one of Jesse’s sons to be anointed King. He was also the youngest son.)
On the flip side, daughters learned to cook, sew, tend to gardens, etc., and prepared themselves to be a wife and mother. A woman was also a nurturer, and a daughter would learn from her mother how to care for and love her husband and children. Growing females would learn to become selfless, putting the needs of family first. Not that a father doesn’t feel love, but he is busy being about the family business and has a stricter mind set to keep order and structure flowing in success. There isn’t so much time to express love as his focus is of keeping a roof over all of their heads. Therefore, different expressions of love and responsibility come from both sons and daughters. This also carries over in spiritual status in the Lord’s called-out and chosen, being expressed in the earth as such.
The Church of Jesus Christ is comprised of spiritually male and female members just as a natural family expresses both genders. No life would come otherwise! It all started with our Father who has a male and female composite self. For example: El Shaddai is the female nature of God represented in many scriptures. Also, the race of Adam was both male and female (Gen 1:27). Father is the structure and order of the Kingdom, and our heavenly mother (where Eve came from) represents the soul of God and the soul of mankind. This is where the expression of love and nurturing comes from in the Creator, and is his feminine nature. Likewise, the called out of Jesus--his Church, his Body (the Body of Christ)--is also composed of sons and daughters, Jesus being the Head and firstborn. (There is a bride and a groom represented. It's an enigma.) But, in regard to spiritual status, we can’t tell by looking at one of these to see who they really are--in spite of what their claims are. (And many have adopted the son calling for themselves, even though they were not called to it.)
How might we know how these things are manifested? The answer comes with our personal discernment of where Father has placed us in His family, and we can’t assume anything. We might be able to tell by the measure of spiritual enlightenment that we do or do not have. Or maybe not, for having revelation can be simply head knowledge. We might be able to tell by the intensity of dealings from Father, being molded in the furnace of affliction. But whether daughter or son, we are included in the restoration of creation as Romans chapter 8 testifies to. Male and female must work in unity to represent the soul and spirit of God. The spirit of God without the soul of God (though not possible) would express law and principles, keeping the higher agenda of LOVE hidden or unexpressed. The Creator IS love, but it is extended to us through his soul. And Jesus was expressing both, even though he could only stand as a male. Anyone who thinks there wasn't a female expression also standing there needs to go back to Genesis and discover that there is no God without male and female expressions! The love and compassion expressed in the Son was proof of a female nature, for this is God’s right hand. The left hand is God's male expression keeping order and bringing correction--for the good of all!
I believe that if we understand that God has done a finished work, we can pursue the liberation we have right now. To show the great work that Jesus accomplished for us, I want to dissect the three feast seasons of Israel and show their correlation to our complete redemption. When God’s Son died on the cross, he fulfilled all three feast seasons that Israel celebrated: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Because most Christians still await the expression of Tabernacles and don’t believe it is fulfilled, I will spend more time on it. But most or all agree that the first two are covered by the sacrifice of Jesus.
During the early Spring, Passover was celebrated in remembrance of the final days in Egypt, when death “passed over” them by the application of a lamb’s blood over their doors. Jesus was that lamb and his crucifixion came at Passover. Fifty days later, Jesus returned as the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, himself being the wheat offering (John 12:24) who went into our earth for the time of our awakening--when we receive (actively lay hold of) the Holy Spirit. Pentecost was also a remembering of Moses receiving the law on Mt Sinai. Jesus fulfilled those literal laws by living and dying a perfect life to swallow them up within himself, thus bringing them full circle to the new inner laws of the Spirit.
Then we have the last feast season, Tabernacles, which was several months later during the fall harvest. Tabernacles (along with Passover) included three separate feasts, and since the finished work of Tabernacles is doubted, I want to discuss them more thoroughly to, hopefully, offer insight. The first is the Feast of Trumpets, and even though it is in the 7th Jewish month, it is considered the Jewish New Year. The 2nd feast is the Day of Atonement, and the 3rd is the Feast of Tabernacles (or booths). These 3 feasts represent self-reflection, repentance, and judgement. The last two, however, are the ones I want to focus on, but I believe all three speak of consummation in Christ Jesus. I believe he completed his mission and finished the work, just as he spoke in his dying words. (John 19:30) It really is so clear that Tabernacles has been fulfilled!
I declare with firm conviction that Jesus was born during the feast season of Tabernacles (Sept-Oct). I believe he covered Tabernacles coming and going--to complete the circle (or cycle). He started in Tabernacles (in the natural) and he ended there in the spirit (with his train filling the temple - Isa 6:1). I also believe he had a 3 ½ year ministry, as do many teachers that I have known or heard over the years, and this belief nails down his arrival during the fall. This period can be covered in a number of secret ways in the scriptures, but mainly in the book of Daniel, concerning the 70 weeks or 490 years. A week is a period of 7 years, and concerns sabbath periods. Seven years x 70 = 490. From the time of the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Ezra) to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (as foretold by Jesus) was 490 years. Jesus came in the 69th week and was cut off in the middle of his “week” (Daniel 9:25-27), or ½ of a 7 year period, which is 3 ½ years. (My intent in sharing these things is not to try to prove anything, but to explain my perspective.) **
Therefore, if Jesus was born in the fall (approx Sept), he would have started his ministry as a teacher on the anniversary of that birth (legal age 30). If his ministry was 3 ½ years, his crucifixion on Passover in the Spring would have covered that time span. He was crucified during the Passover, of this we have no doubt, so a scriptural 3 ½ year period of ministry would have put him coming into this realm at the time of the fall harvest. (Olives and grapes--oil and wine. Interesting.) And why wouldn’t he be born then? Doesn’t God always do things perfectly and appropriately? So it started with the first feast, Trumpets, a proclamation of the “new year” and, indeed, it was the time of a new beginning in the expression of God in this realm. Now, before I speak of the last two feasts, I want to return to my main text, for emphasis.
“For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God”
The Day of Atonement was a once-a-year sacrifice offered as a redemptive covering for the human nature (sin consciousness). It had to be repeated each year until God brought His son, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). Jesus was that final sacrifice and he did indeed fulfill that feast. On the day of the atoning sacrifice, all of Israel stood outside the Tabernacle, awaiting the appearing of the High Priest as he went in to the Holy of Holies to present the blood at the altar. They would see him just before he went in, and they would await his appearing a second time. This re-appearing or second appearing meant that the sacrifice had been received, at which time all of the camp would rejoice. The following scripture is speaking of this very thing:
“so the Christ also, having been once offered in sacrifice in order that He might bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, separated from sin, to those who are eagerly expecting Him, to make their salvation complete.” Heb 9:28
I’m also sure that as they stood awaiting the sight of that Priest appearing, they had their necks outstretched in the throng of people (thousands upon thousands). They could do nothing until they saw that sight. I have seen the heart connection between Romans 8:19 and Heb 9:28. The focus is on creation watching for a sign that God has accepted them. The people in the camp couldn’t see the priest in the process of offering the sacrifice--behind the veil, for it was a secret happening. They didn’t experience “seeing” the power of the happening, but when the priest returned, they knew it had happened! Likewise, Jesus did this marvelous thing once and for all, bringing about an end to the Mosaic worship system of animal sacrifices. There on that cross in the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth was our sacrifice AND our High Priest! What an enigma! So, no more outward feasts or sacrifices of atonement were needed. (And God ended that world in 70 A.D.)
Concerning Heb 9:28, it was written before Jerusalem was destroyed, and there was conflict about how to serve God, for temple sacrifices were still happening, dead as they were. So the writer (probably Paul) was pointing to the fact that the High Priest had appeared a second time, because we knew that our sins were forgiven. And logically--for us--if we were awaiting some literal second appearing of the Lord to know that our sins were forgiven, then we wouldn’t know yet, would we? (But he did appear after his resurrection to those in that day, albeit his LAST appearance in the flesh.) But the Hebrew Christians were being told to have faith, for Jesus WAS our new and final High Priest and no more sacrifices were needed. Our great High Priest, Jesus, has appeared a second time, and fulfilled the feast of Atonement! It isn’t possible to have Jesus as Savior if he hasn’t cleaned the slate for us. But we know he has!
The 3rd feast, Tabernacles (ingathering), was about a boothing experience, not only in ceremony (for about a week), but from the actual experience in the desert wanderings. It was a dictate from God in Leviticus. This has been fulfilled also through Jesus Christ, but an aspect of its insinuations are causing many who await the manifestation of the sons of God to hesitate. But the way I see it, God has already boothed with his creation three times. Under Moses, all lived in tents and God had his own tent, or tabernacle. When Jesus came into this realm as the Son of God, he was visible in a human body, just like everyone else. This was surely a boothing. Then, when the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost, God distributed himself back into all mankind via the soul/spirit realm. When we awaken to this reality and find that God abides with us, the spiritual reality of boothing has dawned. Because He as High Priest entered the Holy of Holies for and as us, we entered also. All we need to do is accept it, and walk accordingly. (I will come back to this.)
Because Paul talked of a spiritual body and of a change happening in our mortal bodies, it has been taught and believed that this is the proof of “manifesting as a son” (of God). None of us knows what we would look like if we did change, but there is much speculation about a halting of aging, having the spiritual power that Jesus did (especially in its’ DISPLAY ), and perhaps have a bit of a glowing countenance (?). No disrespect is meant to any believing in these things, for I was once in that camp. But I have seen the light. One of those lights concerned how Jesus looked after he resurrected and appeared to many before the days of Pentecost. While his body had amazing abilities, he looked like a person. And the Son of God was never “showy”. He was who he was (the I AM), with humility. (WOW!)
That body change thing is a tremendous stumbling block. It has stalled out the “movement”, and those teaching about manifested sons have nothing new to say. They just repeat the same dead words and wait for God. The “sons of God” status has overtaken the view of why we were called (as servants), and BEING a son of God doesn’t seem exciting if the world doesn’t know we are here. But shouldn’t we have a passion to deliver creation regardless of what we may look like? Jesus didn’t talk of body changes, but he promised us we would do greater works. Jesus did works for the natural man, and he released many from bondage in their souls. And although his death and resurrection opened the doors of death and hell (the impotent, lost soul condition resulting from separation from God), he couldn't do the releasing. He had to die to give us the ability to carry on in those things. But without Him, the door would not have opened!
He gave us the ability to deliver creation, and those called to do these things are doing them as I write. The “greater” works concern having authority over loosening and binding in the invisible. Powerful things happen in secret, for this is where the power is based, just like in a covert operation by the military. Likewise, for the servant of God standing in a Divine deliverance, there is little or no fanfare. I speak from experience. Religion serves as a diversion, offering a covering for the mysterious workings of God as His Kingdom continues to shine forth. And my perspective sees glorious changes manifesting in the visible, and they will continue as we BE what we are called to! This manifesting is an unveiling or a revealing, and it is FOR those whom we stand before, and WHAT we are unveiling TO them! Creation needs to have the Christ that is hidden in everything revealed to it. This manifesting that Paul was talking about in Romans 8:19 was about DIVINE LOVE!
We are to manifest God’s unconditional love in our attitudes and actions, in our words of encouragement and hope, in our silent acceptance, in smiling instead of frowns, in looking for positive instead of negative, and by expressing the Feast of Tabernacles (Christ in us) in the earth. We will embrace their agonies and step into their pain, bearing it for them, experiencing it for them, (sometimes with them). This is laying down our lives, this is manifesting God's love for them!!! Concerns with a body change are futile, but the reality dwells down the line somewhere--in its expression. For now, the Adamic dreamworld veils the finished work and his true servants still bear the illusion of the old body style. I call it a temporary masquerade costume.
According to Paul, we already have a spiritual body. I perceive this, for it is the structure from which our natural body expresses. As we are transformed by the Christ working in our soul, His character shows itself more and more, overtaking our countenance. I am sure there will come a day when we don’t age anymore (because time is an illusion), and the corruptibility of this realm will be swallowed up by the incorruptibility of the Holy Spirit within us. The open showing of a different body “style” is in God’s hands, but I am convinced it will not be some phenomenal happening to a small group of people. If we were to have a divine glow or ageless appearance, we would draw attention away from our Father. It would exalt us to the “front of the line” and servants don’t belong there. A global, visible display of powerful people would cause confusion and fear. Some people would want to worship us, and there would be major interference with the plan of God. Groupies of false religious concepts would be flocking around us for their 15 minutes of fame. CNN would camp in our front yards, and tabloids and the Comedy Channel would display us as freaks. No. The Kingdom of God comes without observation (Luke 17:20), and it transforms our world in secret!!!
I spoke earlier in this article about our placements in the family of God. It can be very simple to understand, but it is more important that we embrace our fellowship with our Father, whose love doesn’t waiver whether we are a son or daughter. But all callings have already happened. Daughters of God are the most often displayed in the Passover realm, where Jesus is Savior. Pentecost can be daughters or sons, having been empowered with the Holy Spirit--mainly for ministry. But sons have, for the most part, been uniquely set apart in some way, being given insight for higher things in God’s mechanisms. This is like a placement on the Board of Directors of a powerful business. Yet among those called out into the son side of the family, few have been chosen, and this has been generational. Each in their understanding were preparing for entrance into the Holy of Holies, the habitation of God. Yet the preparation was for a spiritual awakening to a realm we were already in. We are the habitation of God! The Holy of Holies is within us: His name is Jesus, and we must all awaken to that reality sooner or later.
Concerning the expectations coming from those who believe in a “manifestation of sons”, I, myself, do not have them--not in the context in which it has been taught. Jesus had many younger brethren, but their purposes have been unique to their time and place in history. Paul spoke for his generation, a generation preparing for the destruction of their “world” order, and much chaos and grief was going to abound. Words spoken and recorded in scripture have application for the time spoken, and yet there can be truth in the words that apply always.
Paul had much to say in Romans 8, and it wasn’t about a visible display of sons of God. If it was, he missed it, because that did not happen for him. And I feel sure he wasn’t concerned about what Father would be doing in 2000 years! But he was saying something worth being recorded! The subject matter of those scriptures is about the powerful spiritual sanctification that is working in our lives because of the Christ in us. We can make a difference in living our lives, in speaking and being this great hope being offered to a cursed creation. Jesus took us into the feast of Tabernacles with him, and if we can't see that, it's because we don't KNOW him AS HE IS.
In closing, I want to address the reality of high ranking placements in the Kingdom of God, something that we, of course, didn’t choose. And although many may have been called, few were chosen. (Matt 20:16, 22:14) To follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to be a Son of God--a CHOSEN one--we must go to the cross and bear crucifixion. No Saviors on Mt. Zion without it! We must have a burning passion welling up inside of us--like a volcano--in our desire to release creation from the curse it is under. And I mean ALL of creation, not just our family and friends. This passion is the heart of Father, and this is the ONLY agenda He has. This desire and passion affects all that we do, and is with us continually. It is a Divine burden we carry on our shoulders (holding up the Head) and we have it in waking, in sleeping, in all of our night visions, and we take it with us to work, to the grocery store, and everywhere else we go. It is the fire of God that has overtaken our life as we became consumed by Him! Our God is a consuming fire,and His IS the only life that stands in our bodies! (Gal 2:20) His consuming Fire extends its flames of love and deliverance towards every man, even though some get burned (at first) and some are warmed and comforted.
If Sons of God are anything, they are marines on the front lines of intercession. And intercessions are secret happenings. Nothing affects our visible world in a permanent way that hasn’t first expressed itself from the invisible, and so it is with spiritual intercessions. And until all of creation is set free, interceding for those in hell is a way of life, for the well-being of our fellow man is our first concern. If Sons aren’t doing it, who is??! I offer great respect for any called as an intercessor in any way, but for those believing they are top ranking persons in God’s Kingdom: the higher we go, the more intense is the pain--the pain of mankind. Didn't our Lord say "If any one wishes to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all."? (Mark 9:35)
A Son of God will also be speaking for Father and seeing the words not return void. These things come as the result of conversations with Father, prayers, and speaking out into this realm with authority that which has flowed from the Top. Words to dictators and presidential candidates. Words to prisoners on the other side of the world who want to die. Words to release, words of hope. Words of unraveling all kinds of bondage, raising the dead (in spirit), healing the sick (in soul), calming the seas (in chaotic companies and governments), rebuking the storms (speaking peace to a murderous spirit). Speaking and seeing the fruit of those words come to pass in front of the eyes of the world, even though they do not know that God has done this thing!
The above is some of the criteria of walking in the footsteps of the Savior. No condemnation is meant here for any falling short, but if the reader of these words can relate to these things, he has surely been chosen to be a Son. But all sons and daughters serve a powerful purpose in letting this wonderful Jubilee that we are experiencing come forth! Once we awaken and know (in our hearts) that we are in the Holy of Holies--because Jesus IS the Holy of Holies, we can lay all hang-ups aside. We are expressing the Feast of Tabernacles, and we are good news bearers! (Isa 52:7) He is in us and we are in him, so we can just walk in our world and BE, with no religious trappings (no titles, buildings, church names, etc). Religion is the final veil to be removed, and King David did just that when he brought the Ark of the Covenant home and pulled back the veil for all to see the glory of God. No priests were in charge, and no one was hindered from viewing the presence and Glory of God.
While powerful intercessions are trademarks of a high calling, these are secret things that only we, ourselves, know of. But the outward displays of God’s love are the most important things that we can manifest. Simple courtesies, yes, but also going out of our way to make someone feel that they are cared about. And these are sincere out-workings that flow from the endless river of LIFE inside of us. God’s character will be expressed automatically when he is standing up IN us in our disguise (for now) of a normal human being. Offering a ride to a person walking in the cold, or offering a smile, being of a beautiful attitude even when we are suffering. Being real!! Having peace when Father allows us to stumble so that we can continue to be “one” with the humiliation and frustration that besieges our fellow man. Being always in the mode of giving without thought of receiving. All of these things and so, so many more that flow from the heart of Father as we BE! And these kindnesses ARE occurring and will increase as more of God’s mature children start walking in the world as Tabernacles of God. Creation IS being delivered for they desperately need to know that God IS HERE NOW, that He resides within them also, and that he loves and accepts them! The curse on creation IS dispersing and losing its hold, and it is all in God’s hands, regardless of our callings, and regardless of how we assess manifestations. So, sons or daughters, let us pay heed to the words of Peter:
“For this reason, brethren, be all the more in earnest to make sure that God has called you and chosen you; for it is certain that so long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.” 2 Peter 1:10
* all scriptures Weymouth New Testament, unless marked otherwise
** see right column link “On Eagles Wings” for a wonderful breakdown of Daniel’s 70 weeks and the fall of Jerusalem: “What Shall These Things Be”, in book form, or in articles there on the site. (Royce Kennedy)