Different religious groups have their own feelings and beliefs about who He is and the kind of God he is. Who is right? Over 30 years ago, I had to take a step back and ask myself what was real. Was there a God? What was his name? Which group accurately represented him? How could I know who had the answer? With such division, maybe no one had the answer, and I couldn't assume they had. How would I know for myself who God was? I had to get my own personal understanding!
Jesus is listed in the history books just like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington, so he really lived. I can give a mental assent to the fact that he lived, but that doesn't (and didn't) change my life. I felt nothing. The Bible was a dead book still. I saw my need for him in my space, up close and personal. He had to be real and accessible or he couldn't really help me at all. I needed a God with a practical application, not just one for when I died. We cannot live our lives with the hope of death making everything ok. That concept is depressing. Jesus, however, said he would never leave us or forsake us, a concept very appealing to our neediness and growth toward truth.
There are hundreds of different sects of the religion known as Christianity, but a deadness is also there. Rituals, outward requirements, days of observances. But what seemed to be missing was Him--a living presence, and he was supposed to be alive, so where was he in these services? Most church goers seemed complacent, satisfied, or resigned that this was the best they could have. Could it be that most of those dear, sincere people had never met him? What did this mean? Did the outward forms of "worship" quench the reality of a higher life available to them? Did the worship service become the thing that replaced just having Him?
In the past, I had met special persons who stood out in their assurance in Christ, whether they talked about him or not. There was a presence, a peace. It was like they knew him. There was a different element to them; they did not represent the majority, many of whom awaited his outward "return", and still await it.
Does God need to show himself again as a man? How could one man appear to all? And, if he isn't here right now, where is he? Where are my prayers going? How would he hear me if there is distance between us? If he can still hear me, then he must be here, but just not seen. Maybe He had returned to those who have had their spiritual eyes and ears open. The reality is not that strange.
When Jesus' life in a regular human body ended, He disappeared back into the higher realms of spirit, having conquered the death resident through our flawed body style. He did, though, temporarily return in human form to many during the days preceding Pentecost; it was a visitation with many meanings, including an assurance for his friends and followers. He was also demonstrating the new habitation of HIMSELF. On the day of Pentecost, he returned as the Holy Spirit, duplicating Himself for access to all--in their season--when we receive the wake-up call to understanding: He invisibly entered into the soul of all mankind. Thus, in his new form (human bodies), he is able to reside with each of us, representing the throne of God, and representing mankind. God's realm is invisible to the natural eye and ear, but our spirit and the Holy Spirit become one, communicating as transmitter and receiver of a higher order. Thus, He is with us (in us).
No more separation between God and man. The ripped temple veil was proof of that. (Mark 15:38) When Christ died and resurrected, the presence of God left the physical temple; and it will never be there again! He is our great high priest and mediator before the throne of God, and via the Holy Spirit residing in us, we can draw near. We can approach God, as we are! I have. Am I special? Contrary to the condemnation in organized religion, we don't have to do anything outwardly. He did it all. Let each man receive in his own order (1 Corin 15:23).
The Holy Spirit residing with/in us causes us to experience God. We will know there is a God, and will not doubt it again. That presence will cause us to feel differently on the inside, and our motivations and thoughts will change. The power missing in all religion is His direction, His love, Him! Jesus loves us and He didn't come to establish another religion. He came to introduce us to our Father, right where we stand!