“For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Col 1:16-17
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Roman 11:36 (NIV)
This article is not in tune with the religious mind, nor will it be accepted by religion; but the REAL God has set a stage for his creation to be set free from it’s delusional state. A very polluted concept of God exists in all religion--including Christianity. Much of this ignorance can be attributed to the fact that all too many who believe in a God aren’t in touch with his location. It is impossible to have a relationship with a God who lives in another part of the universe or is totally hidden from us. While some religions do not approach the option of a relationship with deity, it is guaranteed to followers of Jesus Christ. Why is it, then, that the vast majority of Christians do not even know for sure where he really dwells? He is higher than us--in all ways, but that doesn’t mean he is “up”, like in the sky, even though some very sponge-brained evangelists believe Jesus is hiding in the literal clouds in our literal sky. No, even though the Creator is all encompassing and--and at the same time--infinitesimal, we also have a backward view of him, because we live in a “looking glass” world, and the only way to get “out” of it, is to go back “in”.
I feel sure that the religious hierarchy hasn't discerned where God is, because I’ve never heard it nailed down with authority or passion, never heard it specifically established. Oh, there’s a surface talk, like asking Jesus to “come into our heart”. It is the format used for a verbal commitment, a surrendering our psyche to his existence by acknowledging him as Savior. Though a popular religious phrase, I wonder how many believe that he will literally touch us. But there are those innocents who believe that somehow, in some way, Jesus will come into their heart, and that has to mean the heart of their being. Even that, though, placed God outside of us.
Then, there are those who believe in his outward return, which means he isn’t here. Jesus said he would never leave us or forsake us. He told the disciples he would be with us always. So let’s, once and for all, throw out the doctrine of a return in the clouds. He is either here or he isn’t. I found no comfort with a God located “out there” somewhere. Actually, a song made years ago, “From a Distance”, stirred up that very dissatisfaction in me. While being a bit soothing to those who needed in some way to feel that a God was “watching us”, it was only from a distance. Where is personal care in that perspective? Where is companionship, fellowship, genuine love, or the breeding ground for intimacy? How can he protect me if he is distanced from me? According to scripture (Eph 4:10), he is omnipresent and fills all things, and while he may be on the other side of the planet, he is also right here. But how can that be explained beyond just a mystical “knowing”?
God was invisible until his son came in human form to reveal Him.(Col 1:15) After Jesus was resurrected, he re-appeared and spent many days with his followers. He then left before the feast of Pentecost and told them he would return to them as the Comforter (John 14:18), or the Holy Spirit. After that physical departure, they never saw him as a man again, and we were all admonished not to look for him in that form.(2 Cor 5:16) He disappeared and yet claimed that he would be with us forever.(John 14:16) So, where did Jesus go? He returned back to the invisible world to be available to all. He came from spirit, he returned to spirit. He exists still with us, yet unseen by us. He is everywhere. His kingdom is invisible to the human understanding, but very real. Jesus said that God’s kingdom was within us.(Luke 17:21) We must remember that “invisible” just means not discerned by us--at least not to our natural senses. But our spirit is also invisible, and it is our channel of communication to discover that a true reality lies beyond our view.
So sad to say, but scientists (who don’t really believe in a deity) know more about our Creator than the whole Christian church. For the most part, religion isn’t open to God being about anything other than whatever their denomination dictates, in a flat black-or-white application. People, in general, believe God to be in a fenced-in category that goes only as far as their own belief system will allow. Forget a God of physics. No scientific input is allowed. It’s like voodoo, or the twilight zone. The Creator’s connection to super novas, black holes, and quasars is a surface acknowledgment of respect, but that side of God is distanced from the statues, icons, communions, and any number of other remembrances of him that also keep space between He and his beloved mankind. Yet God rules all the suns and galaxies and does not fail to be in any area of any of that vast space! And we can only stand in awe of the order, symmetry and geometric perfections dazzling the night skies from his mathematical genius.
The scientific community has discovered all the awesome realities that exist, and are utilizing the principles in place to make themselves look like giants of intelligence. But God allowed superior understanding of the material universe to fall into the minds of those who worship creation in their lust and quest for knowledge, albeit without Him. It was all part of a higher plan to express in our world a vision of activity and life from the invisible spiritual world. Yes, God is THE master scientist whose administration also includes the smaller universe, the sub-atomic realm. Inside the atom, a microscopic powerhouse of electrons, protons and neutrons flourish in the divinely inspired structures of the Almighty; they, too, are contained in Him.
In our world, technological progress and prowess has excelled so rapidly that most are still trying to keep pace with the products of a few years ago--which are now outdated. Electronics, cell phones, and computers have state-of-the-art abilities to provide communication almost at the speed of light. Specifically, the world wide web was no accident and also was a result of our heavenly Father blowing secrets into the ears of unsuspecting recipients who would become champions of the business and social worlds, enabling anyone who had the internet to communicate with anyone else in the world who also had the internet. This internet was a showing forth into our realm of His spiritual network already in place. Computers are a replica of God’s own invisible operating system, complete with random access memory (RAM). This all is pleasing to God, for he has been preparing the world to understand and receive him from His true location, as he interfaces with our understanding!
What I have been leading up to is establishing that the invisible God does indeed dwell everywhere because all of the physical universe and this whole material realm is inside of the Divine mind. We live in a protected, controlled biosphere--if you will. When God created our universe and all that was in it, it was a mental projection being expressed. When God created the Adamic race, he visualized them from within himself and sent that image out into a space designated for their welfare, growth, and learning. This space was inside of His own mind, for if God is everywhere, the universe is not outside of him; indeed, it is inside of him. He surrounds all space because it is contained within him. Yet this visual of a man, shaped from the mechanism of the Divine character was displayed before His own eyes--to see His own form. Since God is spirit, no “solid” form had contained him. Yet his Father heart desired to have a family, to see a family, to know, love and touch a family (already inside of him); thus, his creation of man was that loving, giving heart establishing and populating an orb called earth in our circular universe.
Nothing can be outside of God, as my opening scriptures establish. And he sees his creation inwardly, enabling himself to see “outward”, where we think we are; this is the view he established for us. Our state of mind is of an outward existence, separated from God. Because he is invisible, we feel “outside” of any reality of anything other than what we can see. Even our universe appears to be “out there”, but is really “in here”, in the mind of God.
A special creation was shown to Moses long after the fact, and what Moses recorded in the book of Genesis was from a vision that the Creator gave him. This should be obvious because Moses wasn’t physically there, but many times we take Genesis (and other scriptures) so literally, so flat and historical, that we can’t see the life of their origin. The telling of the creation was a story--a true story--but a story, just the same. It was a parable about God creating a reality that had only existed in his mind until he sent it forth by speaking it out. Then started the journey of mankind becoming acquainted with God and the ever-unfolding events in the process for relationship to be established with He who already knew us in His mind.
Our material universe is like a hologram, or perhaps it is a hologram. Now don’t freak out from this statement. If you understand holograms you understand that there is a true thing being represented or there couldn’t be a hologram. Video games offer a virtual reality mode, and computers have developed very real atmospheres--controlled by humans, of virtual reality. The movie The Matrix is based on this very idea. Where did the ideas come from? Are they mutant demon thoughts or are they speaking of principles (again) that already exist, being shared by a creator who is letting his secrets out. Since most of the church of Christ would never allow these concepts, he goes to the open doors of open minds who find it exciting to imagine. God’s mind is superior to ours, so our imaginations can never go beyond the Divine thought processes and intelligence. But we did get our mind from him, and awesome comments can proceed from human mouths.
I am not alone in understanding this high reality, as I have true brethren in Jesus Christ who know these things are true. And, what I speak of is not so foreign when we consider that back in the Garden of Eden when God put Adam to sleep, there is no mention of Adam being revived. In truth, he wasn’t awakened and it was God’s intention for Adam’s race to stumble around in a darkened understanding--for a season. (Romans 8:20) God’s human was dreaming, in a lethargic state. Mankind has carried on in that mind set, not knowing where they are or who they are. And the understanding of God had been blocked (expulsion from Eden, Gen 3). He is still here, but we can’t see him or communicate until our appointed time to be awakened. That is why all the religious bantering in the world will not cause any man to receive a “wake-up call” if God isn’t the caller. We can go through the motions, not understanding why we don’t feel life. But I can attest to the fact that when it is our turn to awaken, nothing will stop it, for our spirit is being touched, stirred, and awakened by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is secretly residing inside of us, before we even care about such things. This is one of the ways God has total control; our Holy Spirit “receiver” is tuned in to Father even when we aren’t on that channel!
As we are awakened, we find ourselves citizens in a world that has not been conformed to spiritual understanding. Our triune make-up of spirit, soul and body has not been operating on all of its cylinders, but through just the body and soul--in tune with our material atmosphere. This atmosphere is controlled by the murky Adamic mind, and is just an image projected and believed in by our five (5) senses. Don’t we only believe what we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste? But the awakening gives us clarity of the very real Kingdom of God all around us (for we are in it already). God has taken his race of men through a progression of understanding that has been unfolding through the ages. Since Jesus came and opened the door back to Eden, the advances have gotten greater with each generation, and an apocalypse is upon us. Not of doom and gloom, but of an unveiling of our identities in God. Actually, we are seeing it all around us.
As I stated earlier, Jesus said the location of God’s kingdom was “within”. Of late, there has been a surge of spiritual energy breaking forth into our natural world, and it is obvious to anyone led of the Spirit (Christ Jesus). It’s all about God’s timing for a gigantic awakening. Separated from religion, some of the Lord’s called and chosen servants have reached maturity, being transformed into a permanently Christ-minded being: a new creation man. They are exuding a power upon the sleepy state of our world, which responds with tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. These natural manifestations are a result of the invisible world pressing on the visible world to conquer and tame it. It is the spiritual kingdom overtaking the carnal one. Let me explain this a little more.
We are, first and foremost, spiritual creatures with a soul (mind, will, emotions, desires); our soul is uniquely who we are--our personality. But we have a covering, a body, that is controlled by the forces and attitudes of this world and/or the desires of our soul devoid of God. Either way, our spirit has been dragged along as a silent hostage. But when Christ reigns in our spirit, the soul becomes a loving follower. The body will then be subject to our spirit/soul union, Holy Spirit led. As more and more of us awaken, a true unveiling of Jesus Christ occurs. Our spiritual perceptions will overtake our darkened view of life. We will throw off the sleepiness and see ourselves for who we really are in God. The temporary illusion of death, darkness, and evil will disperse, being replaced by light, life and love. Awakening doesn’t remove us from this world, but it overtakes the death in it, enhancing out lives with our Father’s dynamic purpose.
No, God does not live “out there”, but resides inside of us. And “inside of us” is in the invisible. We will be drawn back “in” to the invisible, thus bringing it “out” into our world, making it real. This causes our virtual reality view to be consumed by the brightness of His coming (2 Thess 2:8), and Eden will be acknowledged again on this earth. This is happening now as the true dwelling place of God (us) is being revealed and we shine forth as invisible beings standing in the visible. The boundaries between heaven and earth are dissolved as Christ in us establishes the visible God.