
What Status of Man Handles a Money Tree?

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” Matt 6:25 NIV

In all the world today, among those who have secure finances or wealth of any degree, very few--if any--perceive and understand spiritually what their holdings are and how they should be handling them. I’m not talking about world standards, of course, for this is a much higher perspective of monetary value and purpose. This message attacks the kingdom of "self", and embracing it will require divine motivation; it is also applicable to everyone, because we all struggle with the spirit of this world. We are all on a spiritual journey, whether we know it or not--and whether we like it or not. Sooner or later, Truth will have to be applied to all lives, and the adjustment can be gentle or bitter. It isn’t that God will wrestle us into a headlock and force us to submit, but the more that His Kingdom rises up in the earth (Rev 11:15), the less value there will be on all the "stuff" that we lust after, and the power of the monetary structures will no longer be a threat to anyone. Now is the time to embrace this wisdom, for the Father sent the Son to teach us about bearing fruit of the priceless variety. The money tree is just a distraction!

For those who follow the Christ, how could anything compare to pressing into the true, invisible kingdom after we have seen the pearl of great price for what it is? (Matt 13:46) According to Jesus, a man would sell all he had to get it. A pearl is symbolic of something earned after much aggravation and time, without which, not a pearl would be found in any oyster. The pearl of great price is the reality of the Kingdom of God inside of us. Sadly, this gift is not considered to be a valued commodity if we don’t have some material comfort with it. The focus is always on what we see and what we want and how we think life should be. Whether or not we have money in the bank isn’t the issue. It’s what it means to us.

As long as the spirit of the world has our attention, we won’t value the pattern and beauty of the humble, selfless, unpretentious Jesus. He walked everywhere, like common folk. No chariot was at his disposal, no beautiful horse did he ride. He could have--being the son of God, but that was not his way. A righteous Master was hidden in the body of a servant. There was no haughtiness or urges to indulge himself. What an example! When we prefer a more affluent image for ourselves, where does that put our heart?

Listen to television preachers, and take note of the percentage of sermons or teachings where materialism isn't expressed. "Having" things and money is a popular subject. In our world, money is equated with power and most want some kind of status in that equation. But I am yet to hear a preacher teach on the subject of money in the pure revelation that Jesus had. Either they are afraid to talk of it, or they haven’t seen the light. Of course, if they are affluent preachers, they would be hypocrites to talk it down. Truthfully, a seed produces after its own kind, and spiritual seeds do not produce a carnal product (and vice versa). Money is not a fruit of the spirit. It is a fruit of another tree, though, for it produces lust in the heart of those who have it--whether rich or poor.

The “gospel of prosperity” is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it sure does make Jesus more popular when it’s attached. I’ve heard it said so many times that "God wants us to prosper". Prosperity preachers have been around in my lifetime, but really came to the forefront during the Charismatic Movement of the 70‘s and 80‘s. Money is such a popular subject anyway. There’s always a new set of ears to hear about it, because most of us don’t desire poverty. But that doesn’t mean we won’t have seasons of it due to true spiritual trials of lack. God does indeed want us to prosper, but in our soul and spirit. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life is the arena where financial prowess and material gain rule; this spirit of the world has plenty of ATMs (for quick financial fixes), but they are grounded in carnality.

Spiritual growth and financial gain are realities of two separate domains. One leads to permanent transformation and peace; the other leads to worldly strife, and gives a false sense of being in control--or loosing control if we have no money. Remember, when we get our sustenance from the Tree of Life (God), we rest assured that God is in control and will provide what we need for each day’s adventure. Paul stated  “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Phil 4:11-13 KJB

I learned something about the prosperity "message" years ago from God himself. Back in the late 70‘s there were some very popular ministries--nationally, with this message. They had their own planes, they were comfortable (and pompous), and used their own lifestyles as an example of what God wanted for us--the best that money could buy. That in itself was amazing, because they were also waiting for Jesus to take them out of this terrible realm, a realm that they surely did love to indulge in! But they preached on other subjects too, which added "light" to the mesmerizing affect their sweet words for the flesh had on those who listened to them. Actually, they are a big reason why America has truckloads of spoiled brat, carnal Christians. They “rebuke” trouble and trials--"in Jesus name" (name means nature, and they do not have his), and label those trials sent by God as being sent by the devil. My learning led me to discern between those who were “led of the Spirit” (of Christ) and those who were not. ("..lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God",  2 Tim 3:4, NIV)

Of course, I now know they were/are deceived, but for a while they had me. I took the bait and reveled in the thought that I could have Jesus and the good life too. I claimed this and claimed that, I stood on scriptures, I fellowshipped with others of the same mind set, and did everything I could to open myself up to receiving material blessings. But they didn’t come. At first I thought I didn’t have enough faith, so I gave it time. After months of frustration, I finally asked God what I was doing wrong. “It works for those ministers, but not for me”, I said. His answer was immediate to me and extremely clear in its meaning. He said “I let them have the things and the money and the power, because that is what they want; that is where their hearts are.” And, truthfully, I could see that out of the abundance of their hearts were their mouths speaking, for the main thing they talked about was being prosperous. It was the major and Jesus was the minor!

From this enlightenment, I have an admonition for them: “ It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. ..” Mark 10:25 NIV - Wow! Oh, they’ll get in eventually, but they’ll have to be judged (corrected) about the error of their ways. The rich young man that Jesus was referring to in this quote just couldn’t turn his back on his “things" and his ease, and his control of his life. His empire was embedded in his heart--that was the issue. And when Jesus TRULY becomes our Lord, we lay it all down for our Master. Those who follow the lamb wheresoever he goes do not have their own philosophies, or kingdoms, or wills that are separated in principle from the Father. All manifestations here of the eternal kingdom will reflect the character and nature of the Creator, our Father.

When we don’t love something, we don’t give it much thought, or we give it no thought. Things we don’t love don’t warm our hearts. So, if we don’t have any kind of a love for money (material gain, etc.) we will not be thinking about it. That beautiful, free state of mind is to be desired, and here are a few scriptures concerning this (Weymouth New Testament):
“For from love of money all sorts of evils arise; and some have so hankered after money as to be led astray from the faith and be pierced through with countless sorrows.” 1 Tim 6:10
“Your lives should be untainted by love for money. Be content with what you have; for God Himself has said, "I will never, never let go your hand: I will never never forsake you." Heb 13:5
(I love that promise!!)
Last but not least, from the Young’s Literal, concerning the requirements for leadership:
“not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre(gain), but gentle, not contentious, not a lover of money,” 1 Tim 3:3

Oh, but to die out to the desire for wealth, or of having control of our own kingdom--even on a small scale--is a tough one. To not be a puppet to its power. Yet there’s hope for that to happen as we walk more deeply with our Lord. The outpouring of love he shows us, the trust and understanding we gain as Jesus grows in us and changes our character to be more like him--this reality, this new life--opens the way for us to totally let go of those desires. All we have to do is surrender.

God’s way is of daily provision--today, and only today (Matt 6:34). In this mode we truly learn to trust him once and for all, for if we can trust him for JUST today, then we are covered for eternity. We live in the ever present NOW (which is eternity with blinders on called “time”). If we never need more than what we have today, why would we want more? The answer to that question would have to do with issues of insecurity and control that have not been fully dealt with by the lake of fire (God's presence). We are going to be thoroughly transformed in our minds so we are no longer “bothered” by the little sticks and stones of this dark, materialistic world. (Romans 12:2) We must be brought to the place of no longer caring about wealth, in terms of possessing it. This speaks nothing of what our outward status may be from season to season, but it is just that--outward. And all outward things are temporary and passing.

There is a status that Father wants to bring us to concerning the handling of wealth of any kind. Not all will attain to it and some will not care. Truly, some have already seen the corrupting power and damage that money can do, and shy away from the responsibility that comes with having it. Then there are the professional poor who love the martyrdom status.(Loving poverty is also a deficit.) The most obvious, though, are the rich elite who have no desire to be defiled by a lower social status. Still, these are human categories and for all called to overcome the world, even these issues will be overcome. To be trusted to handle all the gold and silver and cattle and currency in this world, a candidate cannot be carnally minded in any way. Kingdom finances will be handled by those of full spiritual stature, humility intact.

The truth of the matter is, whether we have $1 million dollars in our bank account or $1, it is all the provision of God and his sovereignty (even though he shares it so unselfishly). But He is letting us use it to accomplish his own means (which may include our needs, of course). And whether the owner of the account is a professing Christian or an avowed atheist, all accounts have an indelible name stamped on them: Jesus Christ. No kingdom does not have his Lordship ruling over it, but it is a well kept secret, since it looks like man is in control.

Those representing God’s authority will not be making their own plans to gain holdings of any kind--no matter what the reasons. They all flow under the Father’s pre-established plan with it’s invisible structure that is being continually revealed. The blueprint is already in place and it concerns the need of every person, every day. With our hearts open, so will be our hands. When we come to this wise place of  meekness (having power but not indulging) and self-control (temperance), we will never consider anything coming to us as ours to control. If we have $1, we will have peace. We will have hope and assurance that all the money in the world belongs to our Father and that he cares for us. We will have no anxiety or pre-conceived ideas of our fate.

Likewise, if we have $1 million dollars, we will not act or think any differently than when we had nothing. The same fruit of the spirit will reign in any situation: joy, peace, long-suffering (patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. We will be open always to leadings of the Holy Spirit to pay, to save, to buy, to build, to hold, to give, to receive. This is a position of responsibility, and an honorable rank to attain to. The concept is so simple, really. Jesus can bring us to that beautiful, totally free state of being. We need not worry about anything, for God has it all covered. All the money the world will ever need is already circulating the planet, and it just changes hands (like a monopoly game). Let the status of a man rise to marvel at the One who gives all good things. His transforming love changes our desires into an expression of His desire and the welfare of others. No longer thinking of ourselves as "first in line", we can learn the true usage of a money tree.