The subject matter here should be tremendously uplifting, but it continues to be tripped over by religious minds--of all levels. My faith and hope is that those led by Father to this wilderness oasis will have been given a spiritual ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. There is also hope for all those with hungry hearts and thirsty souls, and for those longing for deliverance from the consequences of the Adamic mind-set. It is “time” to deal with reality rather than fantasies and fairy tales, although those can appear more exciting. Any persons who are waiting for God to do something more, waiting for a tomorrow “happening”, will not be happy with the subject matter here, even though this truth should thrill every soul. God has transferred his Command Central down to our abode--where He also abides. We must embrace this great truth if we are to manifest the Christ in this Age. I am living this message and can tell you, happily, that the door of deliverance is open for all. His name is Jesus, Conqueror of death and hell and giver of the keys of freedom to those who can spiritually perceive and believe TODAY. It is not for another day, for in God’s economy, it’s always the Eternal NOW.
In Genesis, chapter 1, Moses writes of God’s creation, a finished work, a done deal to which God expressed His pleasure by saying that it was “very good”. It was complete in the mind of God, the blueprint of its image having 100% success written into the outcomes. All that was needed to bring successful expression into this blueprint was a walking out by mankind, as ordered by the Creator in his assignments of purpose and productivity. As all progressed, God sent his son at the end of the ages (Heb 9:26) to seal up the soul and spirit realms, separated (in communication) by the disruption (Gen 3). The death and resurrection of the Son of God enlivened the soul/spirit realm when Jesus “returned” as the Holy Spirit, “downloading” Himself into the soul of mankind. Father’s plan was engaged and enabled to be expressed in every man in their order. He has become Me and manifests through me. But He also manifests through you! No blasphemy here, for we died on the cross (2 Cor 5:14-15) and there is only He where we stand. This was always Father's plan; he sent his Son, Jesus, to reign IN us.
As I referred to earlier, Jesus gave us the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 16:19), but he also conquered death and hell and became the Master of those keys (Rev 1:18). These keys don’t just open the door, but they keep it open for empowered servants of Christ to maintain all the workings of the invisible (soul and spirit realms). Our deliverance leads to the deliverance of all who are prisoners to the delusional Adamic state of mind--death and darkness. The method is powerful spiritual intercessions, prayers, petitions and strong words! They are administered for/as Father, whose mechanisms in the soul realm bring correction to all that is wrong (judgment). Creation cannot deliver itself, and needs saviors from Mt. Zion to govern with righteousness (fairness and equity) the flesh kingdom of Esau (Obadiah 1:21). These invisible happenings express themselves lastly in our visible world, but do manifest and are being unveiled. As each person experiences restoration, the inner spirit energy becomes a stronger pressure against the visible kingdoms of men; this reality is most definitely being expressed today!
But so many of the called-out are not partaking of their place in this wonderful happening! Why? They are watching and waiting instead of flowing with Father. Old, dead Adam and his religious concepts are blocking the view of God’s present order. Thus, all their activity is stalled out in the past, idle and fruitless today, and waiting for deliverance tomorrow; therefore, they cannot assist mankind and all creation in becoming free from the curse of the law. Creation needs an upgrade in its' expression, so stepping into the “Now” is vital! To take our Lord at His word that we are free now, is to trail blaze the path that only he had walked before. And we can do it and know this exhilarating liberty, for this has been my own experience! While I am not alone, the numbers are small. Only a handful are presently partaking of this great happening. Yet for creation’s sake, it must increase so that all may receive the refreshing of this wonderful salvation! We have received so great an inheritance from our loving Father, and He desires us to reach out and accept it!
Most reading this know that we have access to God through the Holy Spirit; therefore, we have access to the Divine plan. This plan progresses before our eyes as we trust in, rely on, and adhere to all things we are being shown by our inward Teacher. He resides in us 24/7 and He is eternity. Touching him extends eternity to us right now! He always IS and the “is” is always first, incorporating the past and future into it, as the below scripture states:
“..To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come...” Rev 1:4 (NIV)
The time is always NOW, with no intervals of waiting needed to press into these things, thus making them manifest and real in this realm. I will speak more concerning this a little later. But in reality, what is hard to accept about yesterday, today, and tomorrow being able to fit into the same cube (at the same time) when we see it in our world everyday?
Here are a few examples. Let’s say today is Tuesday in my time zone here in the Midwestern United States, but I have a friend in Tokyo who is awakening in the a.m. of the next day of my week, which is Wednesday. He is in my tomorrow, but I am in his yesterday, and we both are in “today”. What a paradox! There the sun is coming up, but where I am the sun has set. Darkness and light at the same time. Interesting! And how many times have we watched a late night show that extended past the p.m. into the a.m.(next day). As it happened, it didn’t feel different. And we didn’t step from today into tomorrow with any fanfare. Actually, tomorrow never came, because we were always in the present--which is today. In other words, the whole time we were watching TV, it was always NOW. It just ended up being a new calendar date when we went to bed. This is timelessness! It’s all about perspective. And without perspective, we cannot see spiritual realities existing right before our eyes.
With heaviness of heart, I proclaim that too many of my brethren speak of something coming rather than what IS. This is a sure sign of having missed it! It’s that outward watching for the kingdom of God--which Jesus said comes without observation; it’s a denial of the spiritual reality of NOW. And, these lovers of Jesus are indeed powerless today, powerless to work the greater works that Jesus spoke of (John 14:12). If we are waiting on God to do something we are denying that he did a finished work. We are saying that when Jesus said “It is finished!”, that it really wasn’t finished. But God has finished the work and we have been assigned to walk it out, not to wait for more that may be coming. Waiting is a deception for spiritual eyesight.
This waiting isn’t the kind we do while waiting for a taxi (enduring time). It can’t be compared to a waitress who is waiting on (serving) our table. There is another kind of waiting, as in the below scripture:
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (KJB)
This word “wait”, from the Hebrew, speaks of gathering together, patiently, or to bind together (perhaps by twisting). This has become a reality to me in that when we wait on the Lord we are becoming one with his will and essence, like a strand of cord in a strong cable. Waiting for God is not about sitting and waiting. It is about fusing with him, so we can move with him!
While much of the evangelical Christian church has been hung up on waiting for Jesus to return in the sky, that kind of waiting is not scripturally based. But there are many who have walked a deeper walk with Jesus and have come to know God’s true purpose and plan for mankind: the reconciliation of all, deliverance of creation, and restoration back into Divine harmony. Yet these are also hung up on waiting; among other things, they are waiting for God to change them outwardly. Scriptures have been taken out of context, visions have been interpreted with fantasy, and dogma is all that is left of a once-beautiful move of God. I am sad that their wheels are spinning or sinking. And because of this, the "waiting" cycle shows itself to be about men--and not about God.
Thankfully, Father waits for no man and will still have His will be done! Many new laborers for the Kingdom are receiving a fresh word and call from Father; these are the workers of the eleventh hour. (Matt 20:9) They have a fresh, unbiased perception of God's dominion, and have not been muddied up with current doctrines. That is the main purpose of this article and it is to and for them that I write. But to any others I offer hope that God’s cavalry is already on the scene!
Breaking free of the illusion of time is an age-ender. Since I am walking out this message, let me explain this as I have experienced it. Years ago, I heard a great man in the Kingdom, Stacy Wood, Jr., speak of time being in our hand, like a throttle. At the time I only heard it in my head, but I observed it from a distance, as I had not heard that spoken before. Stacy resides in the invisible now, but the message stayed with me, pulled at me and I had no peace about ignoring it. I had no idea how to step into eternity and bring the plan of God into the visible. I talked to Father many times about it, and He not only gave me understanding but he caused me to experience it for myself! Actually, I had been living in it all along and just didn’t know it, because I couldn’t acknowledge it yet. I couldn’t BELIEVE it, as badly as I wanted to. And that dilemma is oh so real, backed by a strong principle, stated beautifully by brother Stacy: “Revelation without manifestation is merely information”. How true!
Visions must be absorbed into our soul so we can manifest what already IS. As we hear a new word, it usually isn’t discerned immediately, (even though that may happen). Of course, if we reject the word, it won't be discerned at all. But discernment through the Holy Spirit must come to bear witness of any Truth in the word we are hearing. What usually happens is that the new insight (like this one) goes untouched into our natural understanding. It is pristine and not our revelation yet; it’s just information. At this entry level, the mind of Christ starts adjusting our concept into a higher view, causing that pure seed (word) to go more deeply into our soul (mind, will, emotions, desires). As it adjusts to our earth, tiny roots develop and grow, stirring us in ways we cannot see, for the true power of the working is in the secret happenings of the invisible. Jesus is the husbandman of our field, and there he protects, nurtures and strengthens the seed as it transforms into a plant that pushes up to the surface to prove its existence. (And, this “plant” is the Tree of Life expressing itself in us, for He is that tree and He is being expressed.)
As this is all happening, we think about it, we question God of its validity, we try to ignore it, but are forced to face it. We are pregnant with a spiritual seed that is overtaking our soul to conform her to the structure of the Christ. The beautiful thing is that Jesus has done all the work for this pregnancy to produce life. The inward wrestling continues as “the new” does battle with “the old”--our memory of the way we used to think and believe, or even of what we are afraid of (change and the unknown). But success is imminent, because God always succeeds!
And indeed, we become more and more "one" with our new insight, thinking on it with deeper understanding as the spirit “knows” the soul in her submission to the greater mind. Roadblocks melt away as we comfortably identify with it. Having become part of us, we speak about it more richly and authoritatively, with sincerity--because of our belief in it. The inner lights have been turned on! We don’t just see it as “out there”, for the life has blossomed within us. The Truth has fused with us and we outwardly bear the fruit of this new reality. No doubts remain. We talk it and walk it. In other words, we see it in revelatory status and are manifesting it. A true word has been absorbed by us, become one with us, and is expressing life from us.We have become fruit bearers of the Tree of Life and we don’t have to say a word. People will partake of our fruit and the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened!!! And this is how we bring the hope of the future into today. We walk among the inhabitants of the earth as the Tree of Life (HIM), and we manifest His finished work today!
What I have spoken above is truly a very simple process, because God does all the work. We just receive and believe! God will take our belief to new levels until we become a fruit bearer and can freely give of the life of the Kingdom of God with no lip service. We can walk through a room, exuding a beautiful fragrance of love and acceptance to all right now!!
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men..” Ecc 3:11 (NIV) When is God’s time? NOW!
I am offering you this seed of life. Believe and receive. Trust and rely on Him to take you the rest of the journey. How can you aid creation? What is your calling? All the answers are right inside of you, because He is inside of you. The Comforter (Jesus) is our teacher, and He will lead you into all truth. No man knows your destiny, but it is written on God’s blueprint in your spirit and has interfaced with your soul. You need only yield to it and walk it out. God’s plan is a finished work and includes your book of life. Receive, that you also may extend life to those you touch, that they may partake of this glorious Jubilee of creation that is happening all around us now. Outward shakings and changes are just expressions of the inward, secret workings of individual jubilees. The view around us will become less littered with confusion as the truth of God’s Eternal Day overtakes the illusion of time consciousness. No need to hope in or fear tomorrow, for it will never come!