
Adam #2 vs Adam #1 (Aliens & Dead Men)

"...The first man Adam became a living creature, the last Adam is for a life-giving spirit”
“The first man is out of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord out of heaven”

1 Cor 15:45, 47 (Young’s)

This article is not a street-level view of our lives. It is time for mankind to wake up, but many do not want to due to fear of God and of truth. As we approach the Real God, we will find that the view from the mountains is breathtaking, but also scary. But He came down from the mountains to dwell with us, and we need not be afraid. He is near to those who are afraid, and I, too, used to be fearful. But no more!
(P.S. I know this is a very high view, but I had to speak it out. It is the truth, and is setting us free.)

Because the book of Genesis is a parable, we must understand that the worldly depiction of the Garden of Eden--showing a man, a woman, an apple, and a snake--lacks spiritual understanding of the true story being told. No reporter was there to accurately explain the scene, but it was relayed to the mind of Moses to record as the Creator gave the vision. Visions need interpretations, and allegories abound. The forbidden fruit was not of the botanical garden, for a simple apple could never offer knowledge of forbidden things. The serpent was not a literal snake, for a subtle (crafty) nature was being shown; and, what snake ever spoke? Likewise, Adam was not “a” man, nor was Eve “a” woman. From Genesis 1:27, man was created male and female; “man” was a race of people.

Adam was a perfect creation from the mind of God as He viewed them in their finished status. Genesis, chapter 1, speaks the creation out, and God says “It is very good”. Then, chapter 2 shows perspective being given to the creative process as the story unfolds, progresses and advances to the finish line (rest). And what (or who) would be finished was Adam #1, as his walk distanced him more and more from reality (the Tree of Life realm of Spirit). He became a walking-talking dead man. But the 2nd Adam would have a mission to bring that walk to a higher finish line, entering a lower realm as an alien in a hostile environment, an environment that believed its state of death was life. Thus entered Jesus in the Title match-up to reclaim mankind, restoring them to their "god-man" status.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...”  Gen 1:26 (Webster’s)

Even though this race of Adam contained all within them that reflected the image of the Creator, they had no depth of character. When God breathed life into them, he was expanding his soul (mind, emotion, intellect) out from himself to form the 1st man, a living soul (Gen 2:7).  Adam was an extension out of the soul of God, but a very special soul creation who would one day have spiritual authority, something they couldn’t handle yet. But it was (and is) destiny that we all would someday become containers of God, bringing Him into a VISIBLE three dimensional existence, even though he was complete in Himself, and self-perpetuating. It really wasn’t so much about us going up as it was about Him coming down. Our Father wanted a family, you see, that he could see and touch--outside from himself, and that’s where we came into the picture. God is spirit, he has a soul, and WE provide the bodies.

Now, back to man not being perfect yet. Having access to the Divine intellect didn’t give them experience in handling power and dominion. Having been created fully grown rather than being birthed as babies from their own species, they could not appreciate all they had inherited. They had no understanding of it! Having never experienced loss or gain, the Divine nature had not been formed in them. (They had no passion, having not known the “thrill of victory” and the “agony of defeat”.*) Yet Life had been spoken out for them, and written in the invisible as a complete dramatic masterpiece with a superb finale. But first, anesthesia and surgery, so the role-playing could begin! (We must trust the Author that behind all of the players and stories in "THE Story" is Love, and that love has purpose and restoration. We are the offspring of His love, and we are the Books of Life!)

The race of Adam would be put into a sleepy state, lowered into life without God, and subjected to vanity--against their will! (Gen 2:21, Romans 8:20) The soul of man would be exposed (the woman, the wife), she would become a mother (Eve), and remembrances of God would get foggier and foggier as Eden dropped into hell **. Death and darkness became everyday living, and spiritually dead Adam walked the earth, believing they were separate beings, distanced from the Creator. Their spiritual sensors were no longer communicating with God, having been desensitized when the temptation to be dominant overtook Adam’s soul domain. The spiritual fiber became weak and powerless, identifying less and less with the flow from the Tree of Life. Truly, Adam #1 was an earthy soul man. But this special race still had superior intelligence and creative abilities, being the elohim of Elohim.  They continued to walk out their destiny, creating a world they could be gods over. And all the while being overseen by God and His secret agenda--His own story lines--driving them closer to a finish line (of the finished work) that they were totally alienated from.

Yes, God was in total control of this arrangement, for it was His plan! The “fall” of mankind was simply the lowering of their soul understanding to a darkened, slower frequency of light and sound. The result produced a sin consciousness from identifying with who they “thought” they were. We could call it a mistaken identity crisis. Sin is simply “a missing of the mark”, an inability to be perfect or flawless, and that mind set abounds where the Divine presence is missing. Yet His absence is all an illusion, for He is here with us always, hiding behind the veil of our darkened insight, never leaving us or forsaking us. After all, God’s 1st man was sleeping and sleep-walking, deceived and influenced by the lethargic view of things. And Adam has no ability to awaken himself, for his only “self” is God, and God will do the awakening!

“...Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” Eph 5:14 (KJ)

God had a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), and that pre-history reality from a higher realm provided the door for our spiritual awakening. Otherwise, we’d all languish in the futility of religious nightmares. That speaks very aptly of the status of our world today. Religion can offer some comfort to our soul, and a social fulfillment, but spiritually-- it has nothing to offer. Why? Because it doesn’t offer or produce God. It talks "of" him--points to him--like a travel bureau pointing to a place you can visit. Religion can only offer seeming approaches to God’s approval, and different religions and even factions of Christianity assess our approval levels differently. And, of course, those are all according to the differing opinions and beliefs of Adam #1, a race that doesn’t even know who they are or where they are! (And they can’t help it.)

In the realm of death--the foggy world of the first man, condemnation abounds. There is a drive to appease God in some way (sacrifices). Because the Creator is hidden, there is confusion, resentment, fear, anger and rebellion. Religion (fig leaves) became the substitute for Life. This was the best that dead men could bargain with. Yet it was temporarily pleasing to God, for religion (and its defeat) had been included in the plot of the story of redemption--to offer a substitute (pointing to Him), and to offer an adversary (against His existence outside of religion). It is very ambiguous looking, kind of  “for” him yet also “against” him. A-ha! Spirit of anti-Christ (standing in the place of God). As the plot thickens, a Savior (the Real Christ) enters the scene. He doesn’t look like a worthy opponent, for he has entered the death realm in the body of a baby. But this was no ordinary baby, for he was 100% spirit formed and NOT home grown. He was an alien.

The Creator, being both Father and Mother (El Shaddai), sent Himself as Jesus, the first-begotten Son--conceived in the Spirit--into the womb of a precious young woman. There, hidden and safe was the higher version of the 1st Adam; this was what God had originally viewed in the final mode of perfection, and it was God, Himself! Adam #2 was the spirit man, a heavenly man not of the earth (as my opening scriptures state). No part of Jesus of Nazareth was carnal, like Adam #1, for he could not have been the Lord from heaven if that were the case. And if we know our Bible we know that the sacrificial Lamb that would take away the sins of the world could not be tainted with humanity. But he would, indeed, still be a representative of that lowered arena of man, for his covering in the world view would be an identical costume of the soul man, Adam #1. The 1st Adam was formed for the 3rd dimension component needed to house the restored, complete creation of God’s man, the 2nd Adam.

The 1st man, Adam, a living soul, would be overtaken and replaced with the 2nd man, Adam, a living spirit. The murder *** (on the cross) of Adam #1 was already in God’s plan of redeeming and purifying his creation.   And what was being destroyed wasn’t a group of people, but their darkened understanding--thriving in a lower plane of existence: a virtual reality world. Belief in that world would be dissolved once the Tree of Life overtook the view and sent spiritual life and light out into the corporate soul realm. All of us are attached to that ONE soul: God’s. We do not exist separate from it. We are not separate units. We only think we are, in the delusional state of mind of the first Adam. We believe in “self”, but the only self is Him. We ARE, however,  unique extensions of our Father, but just like computers networked to a server, we are always under the jurisdiction of the System Administrator!

Jesus came into this world to free the soul content of the 1st Adam from the dream state, enabling them to transcend their natural senses (when the time was right), and awaken. While being a man from heaven, he walked the earth man’s turf in a flesh and blood body that had formed around him in the womb of Mary. His “body suit” hid his true identity, that of an alien life form--to this realm of death, for He was Life. God Almighty injected Himself into our dark world, infecting it with Light. Jesus brought the soul of God merged with the spirit of God into a human body. There was a different resonance and vibration in the space he stood in, and he took it with him everywhere he went. This gave him the ability to heal and multiply food, etc., because he constantly was absorbing the illusion around him. Because he was up against the force field of the Adamic dream state--enabled by all men around him in their belief of the illusion--he was in a continual battle to overtake it.

At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus went to the wilderness to be alone with the affects of Adam’s concepts and views that were flowing into him, thanks to the visual body representing Adam #1. That body was spirit material (since everything comes out of God), lowered to a colder, slower state of operation, with its own sensory center attached. The 5 senses we have are expressing higher spiritual senses that we have limited access to, but they give a good showing of discerning what is around us by our abilities to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. However, before we awaken, those “natural” senses keep us prisoners to the parameters programmed into them.

Jesus, up to that 40-day wilderness experience, had been in a state of receiving revelation of who he was. There was the elementary understanding that flowed when he had questions for the elders when he was 12 years old.  His spirit channel was open, unlike the rest of mankind, but he was overtaken by the power of the lowered atmosphere--like we all are. Thankfully for us, though, His dilemma would be temporary. He was able to discern who he was as he grew in wisdom and understanding. Then it became time for the apex experience of conquering the wild beast that wanted to rage inside of him. Satan, the adversary, the accuser, that voice of religion trying to replace God even in the Son, was defeated that day. His victory over the adversary in that commencement battle enabled him to walk out his appointed time in total control of everything around him. The Christ reigned in the space of Jesus. When his allotted  time as a human was over (approximately 3 ½ years later), he had laid the groundwork in anointed words and examples that were seeds in the earth of many persons ready to be quickened and enlivened after he died.

On the cross, Jesus--Adam #2--represented the finished work within, having conquered and incorporated the polluted mind set of mankind into Himself, enabling the flow from the Tree of Life back into mankind. It would never be turned off again! The corporate soul had been invaded with Light from "on high", ready for the signal and perception to be re-instated  in each individual extension of God via the Holy Spirit. That happened first to his followers on the day of Pentecost, and the enlivened flow would then continue on to the next group in their turn, etc.(1Cor 15:23)  Jesus Christ had overtaken a confused, deceived soul extension of God, and re-united it to the spirit domain from which it came. Thus, his last words in mortal form “It is finished!”.

As more anointed followers (the Christ in the earth) spoke out life (creative words) to those around them, more and more hearts were enlivened to overtake the walking death syndrome all around them, becoming initiated into the new mind set that was alien to Adam #1. It was the mind of Christ, the mind that we are to continually “put on”, to deny signals coming from the old dead memory system still floating around in the corporate soul realm. But they are phantoms that will disperse as we shine the Christ on them. The old perspective is the curse of Adam #1. But it has been disabled and no longer has dominion in this realm. It died on the cross!

While it is taught from the pulpits that there are two men in the earth, Adam #1 & Adam #2, that is not the case. Old Adam (#1), a mistaken identity that was never real, was eliminated at Calvary. All of the rhetoric that goes with religion about battling our self and battling satan is a lot of bunk! It is all ignorance and deploys manipulation to keep mankind fearful and controlled. The real man in the earth, Adam #2, the en-Christed company (which is growing stronger daily) is a secret society dwelling among the sleep-walkers. And if we try to speak the language of the new man in the earth to an un-enlivened one, we will be viewed as an alien. Obviously, the bulk of mankind hasn’t arisen from the dead yet, but the alarm has been sounding, the trumpet is blowing, and stirrings are bringing about tremors and earthquakes--in individual lives, in families, and in the whole world system!

The New Creation Man, Adam #2, is a renovation of the first version. He has a new program, (like in a computer)! He is first and foremost a spirit man, yet he walks as a human in a visible display that is continually overtaking the death and darkness that surrounds him. Just as our Lord overtook dark thoughts and emotions that swirled around him (like storm clouds) from the tormented belief system of the first Adam, so are the out-called also enabled to do so. We have heard of black holes, known for their ability to absorb and consume light:  natural phenomenon in our physical universe. But in the spiritual universe,  there are white holes. These holes are open portals from God’s domain of light that consume and absorb darkness. Greater works will we do. What could be greater than overtaking and dissolving  the delusional darkness of our world, and setting creation free from it?!! Absorbing the pain and hell of persons around us and leaving the space full of light. All because Jesus reconnected heaven and earth and stopped the reign of death in our minds. God brought redemption and deliverance to his race of men by invading them with Himself. Adam #1 was KO’d, disconnected from death, and transformed into Adam #2, the perfect man in the earth who IS the Lord from Heaven. We are gods! (Psalms 82:6, John 10:34)

* ABC’s Wide World of Sports 
** for breakdown of "hell":
*** (Heb 10:9; take away=anaireo: abolish, murder)